The Importance of SPF
As the summertime starts to roll around, it gives us the perfect chance to talk about the importance of SPF lotion/ sunscreen.
Whilst the change in weather brings this vital skincare step back to the forefront of our minds, it’s important to note that we should all be using SPF all year round, even as our skincare routine changes by the season.
Before we jump into all things SPF it's important to note that when going on holiday or having extended exposure to the skin, you should always have a dedicated holiday SPF for your face.
Whilst your daily SPF is perfect for protecting against daily sun exposure and blue light from electronics, using a higher SPF when on holiday is crucial to make sure that your skin is being properly protected.
Now, let's talk SPF...
What is SPF Lotion?
First up, the big question: What even is SPF?
Sun protection factor (SPF) refers to the number shown on that little bottle of goodness and indicates the amount of protection your skin has against the sun - making sure you can still get a tan while staying protected - win-win!
When considering the amount of protection you’ll need, experts suggest using between SPF 30 and SPF 50 and looking into a broad-spectrum SPF.
Broad-spectrum SPFs protect against two types of UV rays, UVA and UVB, which can both cause ageing and burning. Of course, the importance of sun lotion goes far beyond aesthetics and has a key part to play in preserving our skin and its health for years to come.
Why is SPF Important?
Now, we’ve all been told since we were kids that it’s important to wear sun lotion (despite many of us imitating an Olympic race to avoid having it plastered on our skin), but there are a lot of long-term benefits to using it:
- SPF protects the skin, allowing for extended sun exposure.
- It helps control skin inflammation.
- Skin discolouration can be prevented with its use.
- It helps prevent heat exhaustion and sunburn, giving us extra protection from things like skin cancer.
Trust us; we want to frolic around in the sun as much as the next person, but you can bet we’ll be protecting our skin while we’re at it, and you should be, too.
Which leads us nicely on to…
How to apply SPF properly
When it comes to applying SPF correctly, there are a few surefire ways to know you’re protecting yourself properly.
Apply your sunscreen 30 minutes before your skin is exposed to the sun. This ensures that your skin has time to absorb the SPF and is less likely to wash off when you’re sweating or swimming.
Note: Remember to reapply your SPF every 2 hours unless you are sweating or swimming - then reapply more frequently for extra protection!
Generally, you’ll need half a teaspoon for your face and neck and one ounce for your body, and experts suggest the best way to apply is by spreading it evenly onto your skin and leaving it to dry down.
Fun Fact: Within the weather app on your phone you'll be able to see the UV index levels for the day, and when this is above three, it's crucial that you're using your SPF!
To sum everything up:
- SPF is there to protect!
- Consider broad-spectrum SPFs to protect against UVA and UVB rays.
- Use half a teaspoon for your face and neck and an ounce for your body, applying 30 minutes before sun exposure.
- Do your research to find the right SPF products for you!
So, once you’ve found your perfect SPF, you’re ready to glow!
(P.S. For that extra summer glow, grab our Vitamin C Illuminating Skin Duo)