Hair Mask Wonders - Give Me Cosmetics

Hair Mask Wonders

If you haven’t heard about our Coconut and Argan Oil Hair Mask, where have you been? It is Give Me Cosmetics latest product and it is amazing (if we do say so ourselves.)

We spoke to professional hairdresser Jess Sime (@jshairdressing) who has been using the Hair Mask on her clients to find out about her experience with it.

Hey Jess, how long have you been hairdressing for?

Hey guys, I have been hairdressing since I left school at 16, I studied hair in college and been working in the industry ever since. I am now 25 so what’s that, 9 years? Wow that’s long. 

You must know your stuff then? 9 whole years and you got so far to go still.

Yes hopefully, I love to learn and perfect my art. Hairdressing trends change constantly so it is very important to keep up with the latest styles, colours, trends so your clients can always get exactly what they want. I am always searching for new courses and areas which I can learn more, I love to learn new skills.

Yes, we agree completely. So, tell us about your experience with the Give Me Hair Mask.

I must say, the hair mask is actually amazing. I love trying new products out and introducing things to my client’s. I always ask my client’s what products and treatments they want beforehand, and a lot have been requesting the Give Me Hair Mask. The product brushes through the hair very smoothly and smells so good. I start off the process by washing my client’s hair, soak the hair with warm water, shampoo the hair and then towel dry. After this is done i then brush through and massage the hair mask into the damp hair. I always make sure there is more product on the ends of the hair rather than the top, as that’s where usually is more damage due to split ends and heat damage etc. I then leave the mask on the hair for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness and length of the client’s hair. Then we wash and rinse twice to make sure it is fully removed. Once the hair is all blown and dry the results are great. Super soft and silky hair just what my client’s wants from a trip to the salon.


That’s great. Have your client’s been happy?

Yes, my clients have been very happy and actually raving over the hair mask. A few have went on and purchased it from as they want to feel the benefits in their own home and not just every time they come the salon. I directed them exactly how I use it and I have had nothing but good feedback since.

Ahh amazing! How would you direct our customers to use the Hair Mask?

Id apply it the exact same way I do, wash your hair with shampoo and then towel dry. Whilst it is still damp I would then then brush the mask through, either with a comb or your fingertips, making sure your ends have more than your scalp. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, read a magazine, watch some tv in this time, whatever you want to pass some time. Then rinse off thoroughly, twice. Then just dry and style your hair as you normally would and it’s all done, great feeling hair within minutes.


Great. So, tell us, where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

In 5 years’ time, I want to be even better than I am now. I know I have learnt a lot in my 9 years working in hair, but I know I can learn even more and do a lot more within the business. I really look up to celebrity hair stylist Jen Atkin. Her journey is amazing, and I wish to have a journey like that. I have a lot of ideas which I love seeing come to life, which is one of the reasons I love to get involved in photoshoots, as the team all has a vision and you actually see it come to life and then to see your work on a magazine or website. It’s something quite special. I will always keep doing my client’s though, that wont change. I love to make women feel amazing, and I know from experience that getting your hair done can be a real confidence boost and putting smiles on people’s faces is a joy.

Yes definitely, we can see you going far in the fashion and beauty world. If you want it you can do it, that’s what we believe.

Me too, if you put your mind into something then it can be achieved.

Have you tried any other Give Me Cosmetics products?

Yes, I absolutely swear by the all the sheet masks to be honest. I always leave one in the fridge in case of an emergency headache or hangover. Placing an ice-cold Chill Out mask on my face after a long Saturday working works wonders. Also working with hair dryers on a daily basis sometimes dries out my face, so the Hydrating collagen sheet mask is my saviour for dry skin days, it just gives me the right amount of hydration needed to get skin feeling normal again. I also keep the candyfloss lip scrub  in my bag at all times. It’s my go to lip kit!

That’s what we like to hear. What else would you like to for Give Me to stock?

I would love a full hair range from you guys, hairspray, heat damage spray, shampoo, conditioner, the full hair works.

Oh well we can see what we can do. Thanks for chatting to us Jess, keep tagging us in your posts using the Hair Mask. Your work is amazing!

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1 comment

i bought the hair mask and I wanted to know whether or not it is necessary to do a test patch onto a strand of hair at the back of my head before use ? As per the instructions at thr back of the pack, it is recommended to do that before using it on the whole hair – Please let me know


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